January 13. That's my next show date and THIS time
I'm gonna kick some behind
I mean really! This is the third show, and this year I mean business! I'm tired of just giving a mediocre performance when between Cash and I, we could kick ass! I'm fed up with being third or fourth place when I really have come for the blue!
I'm not going to hope it works out, I know this will be a good one!
I know I'm making a big deal out of an open show but I'm gonna ride this like its finals with a championship on the line because in the end, if you don't then you never ride your best.
At 20 years old, sometimes I feel like I'm a little late to this whole horse show scene. But that really should never stop me from trying to be just as good as the girls who have been on a horse since birth!
This sport has pushed me so far, so hard, and to huge breaking points. Now it's my turn to push right back
Tuesday, December 18, 2012
Monday, December 10, 2012
Finals week.....
So I gotta be honest, as much as I love being in college I really hate it a lot of the time. Having a job AND having finals AND trying to prep for next show season that starts end of December is really really stressful!
But the good thing is that after this week I have a whole month off to get some more money and take more lessons!
I honestly can't complain too much because it could be so so much worse for me!
On another note, has a one ever used rubber reins? My horse likes to pull his head down after jumps and racing through turns . He's in a corkscrew full cheek bit right now so I would rather not up him if I don't have to. When he does that I have a hard time keeping my fingers closed tightly so I don't know what comes first, my fingers being open or him pulling! I've stopped wearing my gloves so I can really feel when he does it and if my fingers are open. I don't want to stop wearing gloves long term so I wonder if, even without gloves, the rubber reins would be better for me to keep my fingers closed and keep in from pulling them the ought my hands so easily.
Anybody have an opinion on them? All comments and advice is greatly appreciated!!
But the good thing is that after this week I have a whole month off to get some more money and take more lessons!
I honestly can't complain too much because it could be so so much worse for me!
On another note, has a one ever used rubber reins? My horse likes to pull his head down after jumps and racing through turns . He's in a corkscrew full cheek bit right now so I would rather not up him if I don't have to. When he does that I have a hard time keeping my fingers closed tightly so I don't know what comes first, my fingers being open or him pulling! I've stopped wearing my gloves so I can really feel when he does it and if my fingers are open. I don't want to stop wearing gloves long term so I wonder if, even without gloves, the rubber reins would be better for me to keep my fingers closed and keep in from pulling them the ought my hands so easily.
Anybody have an opinion on them? All comments and advice is greatly appreciated!!
Monday, December 3, 2012
Back in Business!!
Lordy it's been awhile! Is it to soon to make a New Years resolution? Well too bad.. I promise that the rest of this year and next ill be better about writing in the blog! Pinky promise!!!
Ok, what do I need to fill in on? Hmm, well it's finals week here at home base and it is taking a toll on my barn time :( but I guess if I want to ever get a real job and pay my bills ill need to pay attention here in college! I have a job! Local book store hired me a few weeks ago which means I have money!!
Show season starts... Actually this weekend but I'm skipping out on this one, not quite ready yet but we're getting there!!
I also started the Weight Watchers program about a month ago and I really do like it! But I need to remember that my body is so used to riding that its not going to cut it for activity for the day:/ so I decided to start walking, I've actually graduated to jogging (only a little bit thought) and it feels good! I've lost probably 8lbs which doesn't sound like much but hey it's something!
So like I said, finals week (well two weeks) and its super stressful! I feel just so behind on all of my stuff! Papers in 4 classes and then working in the Photo Lab every other day for 4 hours! Oi...
But I will be better when it's over!
Next semester is my last at community college, I'll have my associates degree then I have to go to a "real school"
I'm not sure how I really feel about this...
On one hand I can go just about where ever I want and make friends and have fun like a college kid should!
But on the other I have Cash who, if I leave for school I have to leave here and probably turn him out to just be a horse for a while. Which is a good idea but, I don't know that I can go everyday with out seeing him or spending time with him:/ taking him to school, isn't really an option unless I plan to stay there. Forever. And that the other thing! I know I love DWF and all the people there, especially CK, I don't know what id do with out her! It makes me sad to even think about having to leave all that behind just so I can get the "college experience" and unless you're partying all the time or living the Greek life then you're kind of doing nothing. I'm not really one for sorority life and I don't think my liver has the endurance (nor do I want it to) to drink every weekend... I want the option to do it all... Have Cash and a job but also get out and meet new people and be kinda on my own.
I don't know what I want! One day I decide that I'm gonna blow this Popsicle stand then the other I'm spouting all the reasons I can't :/
I'm in a bind here and I don't have too much time to figure it out... And I don't know that I would have the option to back out when I do decide...
I don't know what to do!
Somebody help me before I make a wrong decision....
Ok, what do I need to fill in on? Hmm, well it's finals week here at home base and it is taking a toll on my barn time :( but I guess if I want to ever get a real job and pay my bills ill need to pay attention here in college! I have a job! Local book store hired me a few weeks ago which means I have money!!
Show season starts... Actually this weekend but I'm skipping out on this one, not quite ready yet but we're getting there!!
I also started the Weight Watchers program about a month ago and I really do like it! But I need to remember that my body is so used to riding that its not going to cut it for activity for the day:/ so I decided to start walking, I've actually graduated to jogging (only a little bit thought) and it feels good! I've lost probably 8lbs which doesn't sound like much but hey it's something!
So like I said, finals week (well two weeks) and its super stressful! I feel just so behind on all of my stuff! Papers in 4 classes and then working in the Photo Lab every other day for 4 hours! Oi...
But I will be better when it's over!
Next semester is my last at community college, I'll have my associates degree then I have to go to a "real school"
I'm not sure how I really feel about this...
On one hand I can go just about where ever I want and make friends and have fun like a college kid should!
But on the other I have Cash who, if I leave for school I have to leave here and probably turn him out to just be a horse for a while. Which is a good idea but, I don't know that I can go everyday with out seeing him or spending time with him:/ taking him to school, isn't really an option unless I plan to stay there. Forever. And that the other thing! I know I love DWF and all the people there, especially CK, I don't know what id do with out her! It makes me sad to even think about having to leave all that behind just so I can get the "college experience" and unless you're partying all the time or living the Greek life then you're kind of doing nothing. I'm not really one for sorority life and I don't think my liver has the endurance (nor do I want it to) to drink every weekend... I want the option to do it all... Have Cash and a job but also get out and meet new people and be kinda on my own.
I don't know what I want! One day I decide that I'm gonna blow this Popsicle stand then the other I'm spouting all the reasons I can't :/
I'm in a bind here and I don't have too much time to figure it out... And I don't know that I would have the option to back out when I do decide...
I don't know what to do!
Somebody help me before I make a wrong decision....
Monday, October 22, 2012
Struggle Bus
Oh yes, it's that time of year again where you feel like your not even riding a horse anymore, all you do is ride the struggle bus :/
Well my owes of the current month are this, the big man is just too skinny. Cash, I swear lost probably 150-200 lbs this summer and it shows. He's got to the point where his ribs and points of his hips show. And not the crazy emaciated "Animal Cops" type of deal but it was obvious that the summer was kind of hard on him. I feel like a bad mom sometimes for that.
Last fall he went off of grain because he was too fat, he came off grain and never lost a pound or any ounce of energy! So since last fall he has been off grain and doing very well, until this summer of course.
So about 2 weeks ago, after a nice long weening process back on to grain, he is now on full grain schedule and has decided to remind me what it exactly means to have the power of a hind end motor in a Quarter Horse wit the stamina of a Thoroughbred. So with in the last few weeks my, normally very well behaved, 9 year old Appendix has kind of turned in to a crazy little monster! Well for him at least.
Spooking at the open doors and anything that passes by the viewing room windows, his need to rock bac on his rear end and use it to run down and attack anything that's going faster then him or even a jump.
We need to do something... I mean, I can handle his "crazy-ness" but I don't really want to, and I'm afraid the grain is doing more harm then good. I constantly have to work him down and make him behave and I feel like that's burning more of the grain then he should be keeping to gain some weight.
And I found that the NIHJA circuit that we run has posted next years schedule. First show is in February and I'm hoping to be ready enough to go with our show team. But if we keep going like this and I still am out of a job then that probably isn't going to happen...
I need a job... And some sanity...
Anybody have any weight gain solutions?
Well my owes of the current month are this, the big man is just too skinny. Cash, I swear lost probably 150-200 lbs this summer and it shows. He's got to the point where his ribs and points of his hips show. And not the crazy emaciated "Animal Cops" type of deal but it was obvious that the summer was kind of hard on him. I feel like a bad mom sometimes for that.
Last fall he went off of grain because he was too fat, he came off grain and never lost a pound or any ounce of energy! So since last fall he has been off grain and doing very well, until this summer of course.
So about 2 weeks ago, after a nice long weening process back on to grain, he is now on full grain schedule and has decided to remind me what it exactly means to have the power of a hind end motor in a Quarter Horse wit the stamina of a Thoroughbred. So with in the last few weeks my, normally very well behaved, 9 year old Appendix has kind of turned in to a crazy little monster! Well for him at least.
Spooking at the open doors and anything that passes by the viewing room windows, his need to rock bac on his rear end and use it to run down and attack anything that's going faster then him or even a jump.
We need to do something... I mean, I can handle his "crazy-ness" but I don't really want to, and I'm afraid the grain is doing more harm then good. I constantly have to work him down and make him behave and I feel like that's burning more of the grain then he should be keeping to gain some weight.
And I found that the NIHJA circuit that we run has posted next years schedule. First show is in February and I'm hoping to be ready enough to go with our show team. But if we keep going like this and I still am out of a job then that probably isn't going to happen...
I need a job... And some sanity...
Anybody have any weight gain solutions?
Sunday, September 16, 2012
Fixed the Falls, Lesson learned
It's been a little bit since I've blogged last (I'm not always very good at keeping up but hey I'm trying!) and honestly not very much has gone on since I've last talked.
MM (the owner of our barn) decided to leave the jumps out for us in the show ring, after CK begged on my behalf and possibly some of the other show riders at the barn. All I knew is that once he had a few days off it was back to work for us! So that week really consisted of giving Cash Monday and Tuesday off and then, doing flat work Wednesday to Saturday, Sunday off, and hacking Monday to get ready to tackle the show ring that caused me such trouble on Tuesday!
I have to say, when Tuesday rolled around I was kinda nervous... I knew I could not screw this up again, and I was hoping to not have problems with the ring again since I had problems with it not only on Sunday but that Friday as well.
It was Judgment time... here goes nothing...
I started to flat in the ring before CK got there, I was still a little apprehensive and Cash was loving being back on the grass (I have to say I think it is his favorite place to preform) so needless to say he was forward, even after being worked pretty good the day before.
CK got down to the grass and I pulled Cash up to a walk and made our way over to her
"This is no big deal, alright? How many hundreds of times have we jumped jumps that look just like this, in a course just like this, on days just like this?
They haven't changed since the show, not a flower moved not a rail lower or higher."
She knew just how to break things down for me. Honest. Not mean, but not condescending. Honest. She knew me, she knew what I could do and she knew that this was no big deal, and I had to trust her.
annnnnd IT WORKED!
I could not have been happier! Honestly! but the conversation after my ride was what really made the difference for me that day. Friday, schooling day before the show CK and one of our other trainers KF (who i have trained with before and really do love as much as I love CK) School my best friend Jor and I for the show, they usually run the schooling ring together, especially when it's a home show.
Only thing different this time is that KF took over for CK, Jor and I both train under CK and not KF (again not that we don't love KF) Now! This would be fine! On a normal day KF is a pretty chill lay back person (I always refer to her as Momma K) but on show days she flips on her crazy competitive switch and it can either be really fun or really painful....
my experience was the latter of the two...
long story short, in talking to CK about the whole experience she had to ask
"even though it didn't turn out quite as planned, did you still have fun?"
To me, that was a no brainer, Yea!! I had tons of fun! I think the only problem is that I just need more time under my belt to get used to all of it! and thats what I ended up telling her and she agreed, it's a lot to get used to! But she all in all wanted to make sure that my falling into the jumps didn't scare me away from the show scene.
I think the other thing that I'll try to plan too is to ask CK if she will school me before a show.
Like I said, it's not that i don't love KF and I love training under her as well! But when it comes to show time I'm the rider that needs to chill out not get pumped up and pushed like crazy.
CK understood that, and this was a huge busy show! At least 10 on our show team this show when there are normally like 4 or 5 that CK needs to take care of on the road (KF doesn't got to those shows)
I think we'll be just fine, hopefully more pictures of me and the big man this winter though! (i'll make that my goal) keep updated on progress!
Until then, my show season is over for this year! :) it was a lot of fun! I cannot wait for next year!
Monday, September 3, 2012
Ok sooooo
Well it's been some time since I've updated!
So what day is it now? Ah yes it's labor day! So September 3rd!
The horse show was yesterday and Saturday! And well let's just say saturday was our better day...
Well I'll start from the beginning shall I?
Ok so Friday, schooling day, pretty good:) he refused the first jump we tried to take, horribly unlike him! Freaked me out! Last time I showed out in this field I couldn't get over a single fence without the horse refusing the jump! But I finally got him to focus and just do it! Then we moved to the big ring which he LOVED! He hated the the other ring but he loved this one! Maybe cause the jumps were bigger an more sturdy looking and colorful in this one the other one they weren't? I don't really know.... But yes schooling day ended up being a success! Even though my left ankle kept acting up very badly:/ I would have done better had that not happened but hey what are you gonna do now:/
Coming up to the barn that night though he was limping and bleeding, turns out he threw a shoe refusing that first jump! So thank goodness he was on grass because that really could have hurt his feet if he was running without one on harder sand (he's kind of a sissy about it) he was just kinda scratched up from over reaching and not wearing his bell boots :/ my fault. But he was supposed to get the shoe back on that night but the farrier never got out there, and Saturday morning she was supposed to be out there at 8:00 and she didn't get there until almost 9:45 and I got lucky that one of the moms who is helping coordinating the show helped by holding my class for me so I didn't have to scratch.
Saturday we were I the big ring which Cash loves! So thank the lord! But m ankle was still acting up so I was loose on my left side the whole time, it was hunters so they really weren't judging me thank the lord! And big man looked awesome flying over these jumps! Talk about seriously over jumping! Not that the jumps surprised him but he just does that:) so Saturday was fun:)
Now Sunday was a different story, trainer told me to get there by 9:30 and I should be safe, class should start but the class didn't end up starting until 2:30 that afternoon! So crazy! And it was in the first smaller ring where he refused on schooling day, we got in there and it was my fault because I looked down at the first jump and he refused it, I fell, second round I got in and rode it like I know how, didn't look at it and legged him on but he refused again and I fell off again. The third time I got him over the first and second jump and he refused the third jump :/ so Sunday was a really really tough day for me:/
But you know what, I am NOT done! I am NOT giving up on horse shows! I am going to keep at this! This is really only the second horse show for us and you know what shit happens! Pick yourself up and keep going! We WILL get this! He loves this! He loves to show and he is good at this! :) it's just we need to hit our stride and I need to feel better about myself and I'll be a better partner for a horse who is such a wonderful partner for me:)
So what did we learn this weekend? That one show isn't the end, but you need to be confident and tough to get through the day, cause they aren't all easy. :)
I'll keep you updated in the days and weeks to come:) because we will be in boot camp until next show and it won't be pretty
So what day is it now? Ah yes it's labor day! So September 3rd!
The horse show was yesterday and Saturday! And well let's just say saturday was our better day...
Well I'll start from the beginning shall I?
Ok so Friday, schooling day, pretty good:) he refused the first jump we tried to take, horribly unlike him! Freaked me out! Last time I showed out in this field I couldn't get over a single fence without the horse refusing the jump! But I finally got him to focus and just do it! Then we moved to the big ring which he LOVED! He hated the the other ring but he loved this one! Maybe cause the jumps were bigger an more sturdy looking and colorful in this one the other one they weren't? I don't really know.... But yes schooling day ended up being a success! Even though my left ankle kept acting up very badly:/ I would have done better had that not happened but hey what are you gonna do now:/
Coming up to the barn that night though he was limping and bleeding, turns out he threw a shoe refusing that first jump! So thank goodness he was on grass because that really could have hurt his feet if he was running without one on harder sand (he's kind of a sissy about it) he was just kinda scratched up from over reaching and not wearing his bell boots :/ my fault. But he was supposed to get the shoe back on that night but the farrier never got out there, and Saturday morning she was supposed to be out there at 8:00 and she didn't get there until almost 9:45 and I got lucky that one of the moms who is helping coordinating the show helped by holding my class for me so I didn't have to scratch.
Saturday we were I the big ring which Cash loves! So thank the lord! But m ankle was still acting up so I was loose on my left side the whole time, it was hunters so they really weren't judging me thank the lord! And big man looked awesome flying over these jumps! Talk about seriously over jumping! Not that the jumps surprised him but he just does that:) so Saturday was fun:)
Now Sunday was a different story, trainer told me to get there by 9:30 and I should be safe, class should start but the class didn't end up starting until 2:30 that afternoon! So crazy! And it was in the first smaller ring where he refused on schooling day, we got in there and it was my fault because I looked down at the first jump and he refused it, I fell, second round I got in and rode it like I know how, didn't look at it and legged him on but he refused again and I fell off again. The third time I got him over the first and second jump and he refused the third jump :/ so Sunday was a really really tough day for me:/
But you know what, I am NOT done! I am NOT giving up on horse shows! I am going to keep at this! This is really only the second horse show for us and you know what shit happens! Pick yourself up and keep going! We WILL get this! He loves this! He loves to show and he is good at this! :) it's just we need to hit our stride and I need to feel better about myself and I'll be a better partner for a horse who is such a wonderful partner for me:)
So what did we learn this weekend? That one show isn't the end, but you need to be confident and tough to get through the day, cause they aren't all easy. :)
I'll keep you updated in the days and weeks to come:) because we will be in boot camp until next show and it won't be pretty
Friday, August 17, 2012
Ever had one of those moments?
I have to say in my 10+ years of riding I have never had a moment freak me out so badly as this moment did today...
So Cash and I have been on our A-game lately!!(knock on wood!) and have been having rock star lessons and I have been feeling totally prepared for this upcoming show! (13 days away!! So pumped!) but we had our lesson on Thursday and despite it feeling more like going mudding the. A riding lesson it went awesome!
So I got out there today (friday) and decided to do some flat work in the ring then go for a walk in the field and just kinda hang out with him. So I got down to the arena and footing looked pretty good, especially compared to yesterday, I mean it was drying up a bit but it wasnt really sloppy and it was actually fairly cushy so I figured it was good. Got on and obviously walked for a bit and then went to our trot. For about 15 mins we trotted, lots of lateral work and spirals and big circles and small circles and all kinds of things and per usual he is being awesome:)
Everything was cool and I just kinda loosened my grip on my reins and sat way back in my seat and told him "woah" when WHAM!!! Next thing I know I'm on the ground!
Cash tripped over his own feet, while slowing down... in that split second I saw his whole neck and head fold completely under to his chest and touch the ground...
When I got up he was stark still and had his head cranked towards the left side of his belly were I was standing in a very cramped looking position, and after vigorously rubbing his neck he finally relaxed his neck and I could walk him around. We got up to the barn and he's got a small scratch on his nose and on his leg but very superficial. He's lucky that's all that happened! He could have killed himself!! And he scared the snot outta me! That's for damn sure!
I'm alright so far... a little bruise and tender all over but fret not! I'll live:)
God just to know that he could have been seriously injured from that scares me so badly! And the fact that if I didn't have a helmet on I would have been toast! Just goes to show you that you can know your horse to the T and all it takes is for them to have a big enough miss step and them trip and you could be sent flying!
I'll keep you guys updated on the show though! 13 days left!!!
So Cash and I have been on our A-game lately!!(knock on wood!) and have been having rock star lessons and I have been feeling totally prepared for this upcoming show! (13 days away!! So pumped!) but we had our lesson on Thursday and despite it feeling more like going mudding the. A riding lesson it went awesome!
So I got out there today (friday) and decided to do some flat work in the ring then go for a walk in the field and just kinda hang out with him. So I got down to the arena and footing looked pretty good, especially compared to yesterday, I mean it was drying up a bit but it wasnt really sloppy and it was actually fairly cushy so I figured it was good. Got on and obviously walked for a bit and then went to our trot. For about 15 mins we trotted, lots of lateral work and spirals and big circles and small circles and all kinds of things and per usual he is being awesome:)
Everything was cool and I just kinda loosened my grip on my reins and sat way back in my seat and told him "woah" when WHAM!!! Next thing I know I'm on the ground!
Cash tripped over his own feet, while slowing down... in that split second I saw his whole neck and head fold completely under to his chest and touch the ground...
When I got up he was stark still and had his head cranked towards the left side of his belly were I was standing in a very cramped looking position, and after vigorously rubbing his neck he finally relaxed his neck and I could walk him around. We got up to the barn and he's got a small scratch on his nose and on his leg but very superficial. He's lucky that's all that happened! He could have killed himself!! And he scared the snot outta me! That's for damn sure!
I'm alright so far... a little bruise and tender all over but fret not! I'll live:)
God just to know that he could have been seriously injured from that scares me so badly! And the fact that if I didn't have a helmet on I would have been toast! Just goes to show you that you can know your horse to the T and all it takes is for them to have a big enough miss step and them trip and you could be sent flying!
I'll keep you guys updated on the show though! 13 days left!!!
Wednesday, August 8, 2012
Summertime updates and show pictures
So it's been a little while since i've updated and it's been thankfully uneventful! well, in the ways of injury and problems and what not!
Our next show is about a month away and you know i'm feeling ready for it! We may have kinda failed at our last show but you know i think i'm more mentally prepared for this show, well in the fact that I'm not so nervous and this one is the one that DWF (my barn) hosts at home! The only thing we don't really have that we may have a problem with (especially with it being a IHJA show) We don't have a flying lead change :/ but I have a lesson on Friday, so i'll see what she thinks especially since he'll probably be running in the Low Hunters and the Baby Green division.
But on another note! I have been doing a lot of crafting lately! I will have to write another post and put up some pictures of my newest projects. So far i've made a few saddle pads, i've been working on fly bonnets, i've added fuzzy to regular bell boots, i've decorated my tack trunk and have designed a stirrup cover that looks really cute and have started to embroidered peoples names on them as gifts!
Like i said i'll have to make another post and add some pictures and some descriptions for them.
lounging early early in the morning |
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So so nervous but so excited to just be there! |
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I mean, my equ. isn't perfect BUT maybe my smile is what won the ribbon :) |
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He's such a good boy for me! |
Sunday, July 29, 2012
Music to my ears!
Well not literally, but we're sound!!! Yay!!!! I guess his problem is just stating inside too much when it's hot out! (anyone else have that problem with their horse?)
He was feeling really stiff lately and we ended up putting up a 20" box fan on the front of his stall (it helps keeps the flys out) and we had him on bute for a day or two and he felt better in no time at all! :) there is always a reason my friends! A reason for everything that happens to us in this life time! Of that I am convinced!
But since then we have been training for our September Show (on the 1st and 2nd) trying to get days that aren't too hot or raining and trying to school up to 3' in a group is kinda hard:/ but I don't really have the money to do privates yet:/ I need a job so badly!
But it will all work out! You must always say that, even when you aren't sure if things are really possible, you have to commit and say "yes, yes they are and they'll find a way!" so I have faith!
Always have faith
He was feeling really stiff lately and we ended up putting up a 20" box fan on the front of his stall (it helps keeps the flys out) and we had him on bute for a day or two and he felt better in no time at all! :) there is always a reason my friends! A reason for everything that happens to us in this life time! Of that I am convinced!
But since then we have been training for our September Show (on the 1st and 2nd) trying to get days that aren't too hot or raining and trying to school up to 3' in a group is kinda hard:/ but I don't really have the money to do privates yet:/ I need a job so badly!
But it will all work out! You must always say that, even when you aren't sure if things are really possible, you have to commit and say "yes, yes they are and they'll find a way!" so I have faith!
Always have faith
Tuesday, July 17, 2012
Cookin with fire
Well kinda, 100 degree day again... So what happens, we get a hose down, a little graze time and mostly 45 mins in front of the fan and a little spray down with some our "special voodoo spray" lol that's what CK calls it at least
It's a homemade liniment, made with witch hazel, wintergreen rubbing alcohol and water. The rubbing alcohol evaporates faster in front of the fan and the wintergreen keeps him cool. So it works for him! Kinda :) but it can attract bugs so some fly spray goes on with that as well!
But so far we haven't had a chance to figure out if he's lame, he walks out fine but I'll run out there tomorrow morning and see what we've got and figure it out what's really goin on with him.
We'll figure it out, we always do
It's a homemade liniment, made with witch hazel, wintergreen rubbing alcohol and water. The rubbing alcohol evaporates faster in front of the fan and the wintergreen keeps him cool. So it works for him! Kinda :) but it can attract bugs so some fly spray goes on with that as well!
But so far we haven't had a chance to figure out if he's lame, he walks out fine but I'll run out there tomorrow morning and see what we've got and figure it out what's really goin on with him.
We'll figure it out, we always do
Saturday, July 14, 2012
And so it continues...
Remember how I said it could get way worse?
Mysterious lames-ness, does that fall under the category of "way worse"?
Ugh, god love horse ownership sometimes... Don't get me wrong, the good things always out weigh the bad things but good lord it does find a way of always raining on your parade!
Well again I must say it could be worse because it most definitely could be,
Last year around June Cash came up with lymphangitis from his right hind hock down a day before I was supposed to leave for Europe for 2 weeks. While I was gone he had some basic exams done and an x-ray at the barn, the vet said that they could see something in there but they weren't sure so I should schedule an appointment with the equine hospital (which is right up the road lucky us) when I am back in the country.
Once I had got back from vacation they had the swelling down, he had been being hand walked and was going alright but was still significantly lame in his back left leg, so into the trailer and up the road we went!
Dr. V our wonderful wonderful vet at the hospital preformed the lameness exam and took X-rays and found that at 8 years old Cash has a bone chip in his hock... Yea... It's just as awesome as it sounds :( and at the place it's at it is nearly in-operable without having to completely butterfly open his hock and him be completely stall bound for up to 4 months...
But there was good news to this! Cash's hocks haven't fused yet and chip is small enough that there is a high possibility that as his hocks fuse the chip will fuse back as well! So there was no need for surgery! But he would need hock injections, it was likely that he would deal with arthritis for quite sometime.
So, now that story time is over you know that he has one stick hock (honestly never slows him down) so generally when he comes up lame it's do to this... The only problem with this is that you normally get horses hocks done about every 6 months well... Cash got his done in March, he's not due for another two months at least and he normally goes at least 8 between getting them done.
I'm not sure if it's the heat (it's been hotter then hell up here in the western suburbs the last few weeks) or what! I mean I see no obvious or slightly less obvious signs of anything!
Driving me crazy and making me feel like a bad mom because I don't know what's wrong :(
But CK (my trainer) is up at a show is weekend and won't be back till Tuesday :/ hopefully I can text her and see what she says to do before then.
I'll keep updated though, hopefully we'll figure this out
Mysterious lames-ness, does that fall under the category of "way worse"?
Ugh, god love horse ownership sometimes... Don't get me wrong, the good things always out weigh the bad things but good lord it does find a way of always raining on your parade!
Well again I must say it could be worse because it most definitely could be,
Last year around June Cash came up with lymphangitis from his right hind hock down a day before I was supposed to leave for Europe for 2 weeks. While I was gone he had some basic exams done and an x-ray at the barn, the vet said that they could see something in there but they weren't sure so I should schedule an appointment with the equine hospital (which is right up the road lucky us) when I am back in the country.
Once I had got back from vacation they had the swelling down, he had been being hand walked and was going alright but was still significantly lame in his back left leg, so into the trailer and up the road we went!
Dr. V our wonderful wonderful vet at the hospital preformed the lameness exam and took X-rays and found that at 8 years old Cash has a bone chip in his hock... Yea... It's just as awesome as it sounds :( and at the place it's at it is nearly in-operable without having to completely butterfly open his hock and him be completely stall bound for up to 4 months...
But there was good news to this! Cash's hocks haven't fused yet and chip is small enough that there is a high possibility that as his hocks fuse the chip will fuse back as well! So there was no need for surgery! But he would need hock injections, it was likely that he would deal with arthritis for quite sometime.
So, now that story time is over you know that he has one stick hock (honestly never slows him down) so generally when he comes up lame it's do to this... The only problem with this is that you normally get horses hocks done about every 6 months well... Cash got his done in March, he's not due for another two months at least and he normally goes at least 8 between getting them done.
I'm not sure if it's the heat (it's been hotter then hell up here in the western suburbs the last few weeks) or what! I mean I see no obvious or slightly less obvious signs of anything!
Driving me crazy and making me feel like a bad mom because I don't know what's wrong :(
But CK (my trainer) is up at a show is weekend and won't be back till Tuesday :/ hopefully I can text her and see what she says to do before then.
I'll keep updated though, hopefully we'll figure this out
Monday, July 9, 2012
Seriously? He's alone for two days...
So, here in the western suburbs of Chicago our 4th of July weekend was in the 90-100 range from Wednesday to Saturday... When did I leave my horse for the ONLY vacation that I have over the summer? Yep right then... So checking in with his "nanny" for the short period of time while I am in mid/upper Wisconsin (green bay area) she has everything under control, which she does! But she cannot check on him on Saturday and I ended up getting home later then I thought I would on Sunday, two days alone normally would not kill him! But lordy I got to him today and he has proceeded to rub off a nice little bald patch on the top part of his tail (the boy doesn't have much tail to begin with!), he has gotten thrush in all four hooves, removed most of the hair from the sides of his face and become slightly dehydrated... Covered in dried sweat and dirt the poor thing looked like a rescue case to me! So of course crack out the Koppertox for his feet and the Shapely's M-T-G for his tail and Batadine, baby oil and water concoction for his face. Check to see if the new fan that I pain-stakingly just installed in his stall is still up... Nope, doing no good in the box again on the tack room floor! ohhhhh good sweet Jesus! I could kick someone in the face...
All I could really do at the point was shower him off, give him some needed TLC from his momma and hope that tomorrow will be a better day...
Christ.... This is why I never go on vacation because every time I do I come back and he's worse then I left him! Ugh...
Maybe I just need to pick a different time of year...
I must always remember though
It could be waaaaay worse....
All I could really do at the point was shower him off, give him some needed TLC from his momma and hope that tomorrow will be a better day...
Christ.... This is why I never go on vacation because every time I do I come back and he's worse then I left him! Ugh...
Maybe I just need to pick a different time of year...
I must always remember though
It could be waaaaay worse....
Monday, July 2, 2012
New kid!
Alright! Totally new to this whole blog business (writing my reading) but I figured that over the last 10+ years of my riding career that must have some kind of useful knowledge for the equestrian community! But this will probably also come to cronical the daily like of myself and my 9 year old appendix gelding "All In" or he'll mostly go by his barn name Cash, as we take on the next year(or more) in the big show rings of the Northern Illinois Hunter Jumper (NIHJA) Circuit and the Illinois Hunter Jumper (IHJA) Circuit! Hopefully those who read will find this helpful and at some points amussing as we reach highs and inevitable lows in our career together and maybe even share some tips and tricks that we pick up along the way!
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About Me

- Jen Marie
- An Equestrian with a lot on her mind! College kid just trying to make it to "real life" and a girl just hoping to figure out who exactly she is. Competing in the Illinois Hunter Jumper Circuit is a big step for Cash and I, mentally and financially so hopefully i can share a few things that can help people financially, emotionally, and however else I can! Follow Me and I'll follow you!