Thursday, August 22, 2013

Long time no see

So it's been quite a while since I've blogged last! Sorry about that...
Lots has happened since I've last been on here!!
1. I've done 2 shows so far this year! More than I've ever done! And Cash has done great in all of them! Ribbons across the board an has been really just perfect! 
2. I've been working a TON! So I've been making and saving some good money for my next year show season! 
3. I've been accepted into NIU's program for special education so I will be starting my junior year there in about a week! 

My next horse show was supposed to be at the end of the week but, after what happened yesterday, I'm not allowed on the horse for 10 days... 
Yesterday I was doing a 3 jump gymnastic and Cash over jumped the first jump and got too close to the left side of the jump. So with due diligence I tried to shove him over to the right and over corrected him and got popped off over the second jump and went head first into the third :/
My family is trying to get me to not ride so much anymore... 
This kills me because riding is seriously the only thing that keeps me sane in this crazy life :/ 
Do I sound so selfish and crazy? Am I being ridiculous? 
I want to jump higher, not go lower or go slower :/

About Me

My photo
An Equestrian with a lot on her mind! College kid just trying to make it to "real life" and a girl just hoping to figure out who exactly she is. Competing in the Illinois Hunter Jumper Circuit is a big step for Cash and I, mentally and financially so hopefully i can share a few things that can help people financially, emotionally, and however else I can! Follow Me and I'll follow you!